Welcome to EmbryoSense

EmbryoSense is a holistic data and machine learning platform, driving intelligent decision making in IVF. The platform supports In Vitro Fertilization decisioning via knowledge extraction, machine learning and big data exploitation. Through the use of the platform, decisions taken by the medical staff in the IVF process are assisted by actionable information provided by deep data analytics and AI insights. These insights are derived from data-based correlations defined by the platform’s unique machine learning capabilities and by modeling vast amounts of existing domain expertise. The EmbryoSense platform surfaces powerful insights which can be used to increase success rates of IVF applications. The platform consists of 2 core components:

Visualization of high level analytics and insights throughout the cycle, from fertilization to implantation.

AI-supported grading, enabling the embryologist access to an accurate and data driven embryo selection aid.

Parallax Features

Core Features

Key features offered by EmbryoSense platform for decision supporting on IVF procedures.

Data Visualization

Optical summary of existing data.

Feature Extraction

Additional parameters identified by AI.

Image exploitation

Data extraction from Time-lapse.

Core Features

Objective grading

Embryo grading based on data.

Development prognosis

Early stage prediction of embryo development

PGT probability evaluation

Estimation of existence of chromosome abnormalities

Our Team

The people behind EmbryoSense platform.

Our Blog

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Presence in ESHRE 2020


A poster where EmbryoSense members collaborated with established people in the IVF sector was presented in the annual ESHRE meeting.

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EmbryoSense Idea Born


Around six month ago, the idea behind EmbryoSense was born. It was conceived via personal experience of members of the team in IVF and its procedures. The main motivation was the uncharted area of parameters that affect the IVF result. Once the team was formulated, the formation of the platform kicked off.

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Contact Us

Please feel free to send us an email with any questions you may have at info@embryosense.com